Salt Room Questions

Michael Rock
4 min readJul 17, 2023


Country Mile Salt Room Therapy

There are many questions that people ask about salt rooms. Here are a few of them and if you do not see your question please feel free to ask.

What is a salt room supposed to do?

Salt therapy, also known as Halotherapy, is the process of breathing in very fine dry particles of salt in a salt room to improve your breathing and help with treatments for asthma, bronchitis, and other lung problems. You can read more about it at the authoritative site WebMD. You can read more about Salt Room Benefits on our page.

What should I expect after a salt room?

With the ambient lighting and soothing music, you will expect to feel very relaxed after a salt room session. On rare occasions with people with sensitive skin, skin irritation may develop that disappears after a few sessions. Some people will taste salt if they lick their lips after they have visited the ocean for a few hours. If you receive a tickle in your throat drinking warm water after the session will take care of it.

What is a salt room experience?

Salt Caves have been in use and popular in Europe for centuries where people went to take care of their ailments. Today modern science has created halogenerators that pump refined, dry salt into a room or chamber to get the same effect that people experienced centuries ago but in a more precise and optimized condition. You can read more about halotherapy and halogenerators on our service page.

How long should you stay in a salt room?

Typically salt room therapy sessions last 30 to 45 minutes. We offer 45-minute sessions. If you have mild symptoms you want to resolve then it is recommended you go three times in a row before you change to weekly or monthly sessions.

How often should you visit a salt room?

If you have mild symptoms then you should go three times in a row before you change it to weekly or monthly sessions.

If you have more severe symptoms of allergies, asthma, the flu, or cold then it is recommended to visit two to four times per week while your symptoms are at their worst.

Who should not go into a salt room?

If you have an illness that is contagious or acute such as colds, cases of flu, infections that are accompanied by a fever, cardiac insufficiency, COPD (a condition involving constriction of the airways and difficulty or discomfort in breathing.) in the 3rd stage then you should avoid the salt room and consult your physician.

What do you wear to a salt room?

The only recommendation is to wear comfortable clothing. It does not matter if you are in shorts and a t-shirt or fully clothed since the salt is not harmful to the skin. Fine silt of salt will appear on your clothing that can be easily wiped off. We will ask you to remove your shoes and wear little booties to keep our area clean.

So salt rooms make you sweat?

No, but saunas and steam rooms do. They open the pores of your skin and help clean the epidermis (outer layer) of the skin.

Is a salt room bad for high blood pressure?

Many people are concerned about this but halotherapy is not bad for blood pressure.

How much is a salt therapy session?

We charge $35 for a 45-minute salt room session.

Are salt rooms good for anxiety?

With the ambient lighting and soothing music with the feeling of being near the ocean, we have been told by our customers that it improved their mood, clear their minds, lower their stress, and even slept better at night.

Is sea salt good for your lungs?

Sea salt does not hold a very large advantage in helping you. This is why the salt used in our salt room is absolutely dry which is more beneficial for you.

Heating up the salt before crushing it and sending it into the room helps ensure that all of the moisture is taken out of the salt so that it can do the best job possible.

Is salt air good for COPD?

For the 1st and 2nd stages of COPD (a condition involving constriction of the airways and difficulty or discomfort in breathing.), it is recommended and beneficial. If you have 3rd state COPD then it is recommended to see a physician.

Is salt good for chest infections?

Yes, not only is it good for treating the symptoms of a chest infection but it also helps the infection from coming back over time. Breathing in our dry salt particles allows the disinfectant properties of your body to get to work right away on the virus and bacteria that cause the infection in the first place by speeding up the healing process.

Does salt air help the sinuses?

Yes, halotherapy helps clean up the sinus passageways by opening up the airways and reducing inflammation from the intake of our fine salt particles.

The number of sessions it takes to do this depends upon how fast your body produces the mucus. It is recommended to blow your nose before a therapy session to get the best results from your halotherapy session.

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